Multidisciplinary, because a patient deals with more than one discipline in a rare condition.
Together, we are the force for a less traumatic experience.
Health institutions and the associated Pyramid of competences, responsibilities and powers together form the foundation for major change. If you want to be part of this foundation, please send us a message.
De medici en paramedici die zich reeds hebben aangemeld om samen verbeteringen te willen realiseren voor de kwaliteit van het leven.(*) Angst- en pijnvrije behandelingen en wetenschappelijke onderzoeken naar genezing.
Prof. Dr. R.A. Bank
Ms. drs. E.C.M. Bouvy-Berends
Dr. N. Bravenboer
Drs. V.N.A. Breeveld-Dwarkasing
Dr. M.A. Créton
Dr. E.M.W. Eekhoff
Drs. F.L. van Erp Taalman Kip
Prof. Dr. R. de Groot
Dr. H.I. Korkmaz
Drs. W.D. Lubbers
Dr. D. Micha
Dr. G. Pals
Prof. Dr. G.A.P.J.M. Rongen
Prof. Dr. F.J. Vermolen
Prof. Dr. S.N. de Wildt
Prof. Dr. M.C. Zillikens
(*) To protect privacy, all contacts will be through the founders themselves. No one else will be appointed to speak on behalf of the platform unless this has been personally discussed with the person concerned.